About the Artist

Andy Anissimoff originally trained as an Industrial Designer, graduating with a speciality in Automotive Design from Humber College in Toronto in 2002. In 2005, he settled in Squamish, British Columbia, to pursue a life in the mountains. The area inspired Anissimoff to commit to developing his creative side to its fullest and become a dedicated full-time artist. He has built his business around personally sharing his creations with people from all over the world.
Anissimoff's medium of choice is Acrylic paint because it offers a balance of colour quality and resistance to cracking and fading. Fun fact: Acrylic paint is used to restore old cracked and faded oil paintings! Over his painting career, Anissimoff has created over 400 paintings. He has a personal collection of approximately 15 pieces and the rest have found homes in all corners of the world. This site features approximately 150 of Anissimoff's personal favourites and he is continuously grateful to you for taking the time to view them. Every one of you who has purchased an original, recreation (print) or commission has been a part of his artistic journey and contributed to his drive to produce quality and vibrant pieces.
I thank you for your continued support and look forward to working with you in the future.